The Environmental Benefits of Using a Prelit Artificial Christmas Tree

The Environmental Benefits of Using a Prelit Artificial Christmas Tree

The Benefits of Using a Prelit Artificial Christmas Tree

The holiday season is a time of frequent celebrations, with decorations that enhance the spirit of the holiday. One of the ways that people often choose to decorate is by using a Christmas tree, which symbolizes unity and new beginnings.

Traditionally, most people would opt for a real tree, but these are only sometimes the best choice, especially for those who have environmental concerns. Instead, it is often better to consider the benefits that an artificial Christmas tree can bring to the environment. In this article, we will explore those benefits in more detail.

The Environmental Advantages of Using an Artificial Christmas Tree

Artificial Christmas trees have become increasingly popular over the years and for a good reason. First and foremost, they are environmentally friendly. When you consider the advantages of using an artificial tree over real trees, it is clear that they are the more sustainable option.

Artificial trees are usually made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride), so they do not decompose, break down, or lose their needles. This means that you do not need to dispose of them and cut down new trees year after year. By using an artificial tree, you can help reduce your carbon footprint.

According to some estimates, cutting down a real Christmas tree produces around 16.2 kg of greenhouse gases, which are added to the environment. The total carbon footprint of a single tree is about 3 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent: this is the equivalent of driving a car for over 20 miles! This means that if you use an artificial tree, its carbon footprint is spread over many years and can be reduced significantly over time.

Additionally, unlike real trees, artificial trees are made to last a long time, so you will not need to replace them every year. This reduces the material that goes to the landfill, which further helps reduce carbon emissions.

Another environmental advantage of prelit artificial Christmas trees is that they require no watering or pruning. This means they do not consume natural resources like water, unlike living trees that need water to survive. This further reduces water usage, which can be a significant benefit in areas that experience droughts.

Finally, artificial trees do not shed needles, which is another way they are environmentally friendly. Needles can only chew naturally, adequately, correctly collected, and disposed of. Unfortunately, this is also hazardous to small animals and pets that may accidentally ingest them – and on hot days, many of these needles can become quickly flammable.


In conclusion, there is no doubt that when it comes to Christmas decorations, artificial trees provide a greener and more sustainable option than real trees. The benefits of using prelit artificial Christmas trees are many: they do not require watering or pruning, they do not shed needles, and they last many years. This goes a long way in reducing your carbon footprint and environmental impact.

It is clear that the move towards more sustainable practices is the key to a healthy future for our planet – and using an artificial Christmas tree this year is one way to support that goal. Whether you have been using real trees in the past or are unsure of what kind of tree to choose, prelit artificial trees are a great choice that you can feel good about using.